I dont like to be deep<yeah right~>
I dont like to lie
I dont like to agree with people of what I think differently
I tell them whatever I think
I tell them the cause of whatever they are going to do
I have a Friend, who like this guy
I told her, well, what ever you are thinking, You better know what is reality
If he likes you he will ask you to hang out
and like I said, if he dont want to, he will just not say anything
-? she was mad at me, cuz I told her to stight forward...
he probably wont ask you out, or he might be shy for now,
dont get your hopes up yet and think about that you guys will go out, is better if he ask you first, then tot hink about the fatasy!
"Dream crusher!"-She said
Just dont want you to get hurt... I said...
Isnt it better to know or to have before you have great thoughts or happy ideas?
I think is better to think negative then positive, well, it depends on what "THING" is about.
BTW, I share a funny jokes,
today during lunch,
I was talking with my friends about tennis, then we were like:
-lets go hit,
-but we dont have balls
then one of my friend quicky, point at a guy that was beside us, and said, he have balls!
If you dont get it...you are innocent... if you do get it,,,YOU HAVE A DISGUSTING MIND! jkjkjkjk~
Just want to make you guys laugh,
Hahaha that's a funny joke.
ReplyDeleteWell, in the long run I do think it is better to inform your friend so she will know a different perspective.
It is better to be positive at times but sometimes we also need to face reality.