*grammer, spelling, language use, tone of voice can be excuse---
SO, I went to go check up my grade today,
this is the first year that I actually have a F and a D in my grade.
I will obviously say maybe I didnt try hard enough, but for certain class I definitly did!
Math... I just cant handle it! Japanese, ten thousands of weird project that didnt even teach us japanese, and everyone is complaing about it, wow nice job teacher!
I mean, havnt I tried hard enough!
it dropped my GPA down a letter grade!
Teachers can easily give us simple work, or make an easy test, or even if they like, the test should only cound as 40% of our grade and not 65%!
What we learn, is from our listening skills, we do homework and quizes, is test really that important. Fine, even it is important, yet didnt teachers always said, test is just to see where we are at, to see if we are learning it or not?
Dude, my f* career will not be major on math, why do I have to take it and F* risk my GPA, that will affect my college!
Teachers always say something nice, pretend they care but at the end, we depends on the teachers attitude and to see what their mood weather is good or bad; they can change the teast around, to make it easy or HARD. Also since we learn it, why cant we use our notebook to do the test! why do we have to memerize eveything that we dont care about? it will not affect my future because that wont be what I want to do in the future!
I honstly think, teachers think they are cool just try to give us tons on projects or homework just to show us who is the boss, or just to show us they have the power to control you.
I have heard teacher changing their minds to make the students to take tests when in the first place they said it will be a quiz, just because those annoying childeren are playing around and not paying their parents attention in that one small room! Teacher thinks "I cant tell you guys to shut up and focus so I will use the only POWER that I got,as in test, to show you guys, what happen when you guys get me mad."
That is what teachers think,
I am not saying all teachers are like that, because I do know, there are some teachers that are really kind and want you to do the work for your own good, and I admire these teachers. The work they gave us, is what really matter in the future, and will help us to prepare for certain upcoming event!
What some teacher say is really BS, some slack and didnt tell you theres a project till last minuts, and then bloam on you say you were not ready and unprepared, some just give you tons of work and tell you to check it online, "it" wont even remind you or give you any notice (we are just F* high school students, you should have at least taough us and not just ignore us beside there and expect us to focus on the work, you have at least to warn us or help us.) Some, will say the test is easy, "ya, real easy, you are a teacher, you learn those stuff over years, we are just students, we jsut learn that friking thing, and you think is easy to us? teachers are pro's, your level of understanding is different then ours.Some will teach us the easy problems, go through easy expamples, and on the test, its a tottal different problems that we didnt really go through. Some will because certain issue then easier the test, because they want a certain students to pass or anything. If teachers are thoughtful then why is "its" requirment standers have to be so "High quility." Some teachers are good, they made the test easier because they know the among the students most of them, work slow on problems, or their understanding is not that high, so they let them use notes on the test, or they shortend the test, isnt that what you call the real"care about your students?" it is not spoiling, its call understanding.
Yes, it is studetns resposibility to stay on topic, focus and to learn, or when it comes to problems go ask your teachers for help, however, when teachers gave you crap of work that dont matter, or they jsut give it to you because they thing is fun, but not all students have those time to do it all. MOST students have more then 6 calsses going on if all teachers do that, wouldnt the kids just die from pressures? remember we are just high school students! High school is to learn and to prepare from college, but it shouldnt be like college.
Teachers are the leader of each class, they are also racist (few), they can judge a students on how they dress, how they perform and how smart they are, and how hardwork a students are; they can also choose which students they can favor more on, and not give attention to the ones they dislike. It is their choice.
I dont really have a conclusion over here, because I just wanted to express my thoughts after I saw my grade, but you cant deny half of what I said. Everybody just have different personality and how they act is just different. We work hard to get as much as we can get, do they work hard enough to really care about their students or just want the money and let the kids suffer? Not all, not most, just a few...
There are really good caring teachers that I met, same as the oppisite...